Build with Celo: Transform E-commerce Experiences

105 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5
105 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5

Winners are announced.

starts on:
May 17, 2024, 03:00 PM ()
ends on:
Jun 04, 2024, 07:00 AM ()


How to get started?

GM Builder, 👋

This page is for everyone who is new to hackathons, struggles a bit with how to get started or just needs a little direction.

1. Join Discord

Introduce yourself in the Celo Discord. Share your skillset and experience in Web3 and hackathons. New members must select the role "Learn web3 Development and build applications" to access all developer channels. Locate all Build with Celo channels and pin them as your favorites to keep up with crucial updates. Introduce yourself and your builder profile in the #build-with-celo-chat and familiarize yourself with the ongoing discussions.

2. Join Telegram

[**Celo Discord**]( can be overwhelming and slow at times, so join our [**Telegram group**]( for quicker responses to your queries and to find teams.

😱 If you feel confused, reach out for help! We are here!!! 💪

3. 💻 Familiarize yourself with the hackathon

Hackathons can be daunting, especially for newcomers. Browse through the hackathon page, and understand the schedule, challenges, and rules. Use Telegram and Celo Discord for any inquiries. Don't miss the kick-off session as it answers many questions. If you missed you can still watch it on the Hackathon YouTube playlist.

4. 📥 Check your emails and junk regularly

We'll be sending announcements and check-in emails throughout the week. Please ensure you're not missing out on important updates.

5. 👥 Find a team

Forming a team can be tough—slow responses and ghosting are common. To find a team, be proactive. Use Telegram and Celo Discord to connect with those who have shared their ideas or profiles. Communicate thoroughly and promptly, respecting others' time. Inform others if you're not interested to avoid ghosting. Don't ghost!!!

6. 💡 Find an Idea

Visit the hackathon page and explore the ideas listed. Research these ideas online and consider what could be useful to you. Watch this video from last year's hackathon for inspiration, especially about MiniPay. If you have a project idea, share it on the channel to get feedback.

7. 🖼️ Create Wireframes

Understand the user flow by creating wireframes; this clarifies your project scope. Start with a basic user flow and gradually add features. Tools like Figma or Miro are recommended for ease of use.

8. Set up your GitHub repository

When collaborating, start with a shared code base to avoid later merge conflicts. If continuing an existing project, please clone it to clearly showcase what you're building for the hackathon. For new projects, consider using the celo-composer, a hackathon-friendly starter kit that includes MiniPay integration, a hardhat setup for smart contracts, and a frontend ready to deploy on Vercel.

9. Outline your Smart Contract functionalities based on the wireframes

Use your wireframes to guide the development of your smart contracts. This will help you integrate various features and protocols effectively.

10. Describe your idea

Start early by describing your project. This clarifies your vision, helps attract team members, and is useful when seeking assistance. Include this description in the of your GitHub repository and on your hackathon team page.

11. 🏗️ Start building!!!!

Dive into the development process, enjoy the journey, and don't forget to reach out for help!

Happy building,

Lena | @GigaHierz

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